IST Yard-Link
We have made Containers Yard Management System (IST YARD-LINK) to help those companies who own containers yard storages; full or empty. This system is also for companies that offer all kinds of containers’ maintenance and cleaning.
The system contains the following:
• Electronic Data interchange (EDI)
The system allows the exchange of data electronically with all involved parties such as shipping line,
customs, shippers and consignees, where it can receives the import manifest that contains the data
of containers that will be discharged from the vessel, it can also send a file contains the gate
movements to the shipping line and customers. UN-EDIFACT: CODECO
• Yard Setup
The system provides a high flexibility on determining yards to groups according to the kind (dry,
reefer, Tank, etc…), size of containers (20″, 40″), their condition (Full, Empty) and the maximum Tier.
• Gate in/out and container inspection
The system allows recording the containers data before its actual arrival to the yard or the total
number of expected containers. Then the gate employee records the actual date and time of arrival,
the truck plate number, container inspection and other notes in the EIR report. In case of capturing
containers by gate cameras, the photos will be stored in the system database. In case of containers
gate out from the yard, the system will not allow it, unless receiving the release order and ensuring
of containers condition, then the system will record the information of the truck that loaded the
• Containers Allocation
Containers are assigned according to a basic data given in the system and some other changeable
data depending on each company regulations. The system allows filtering the accepted containers by
specific client, specific container type and other choices.
In a case of a conflict between the containers’ properties and the applicable rules, the system will
refuse to allocate the container.
• Inventory Management
The system allows the user to follow up all the inventory of the yard, inventory of a specific client by
containers type and size. The system also features the possibility of viewing the yard in 3D, so the
user is able to see the containers as if it was actually in the yard. The system also allows movement
of containers inside the yard, or to the repairs and maintenances’ workshop, and brings it back again.
• M&R and Containers cleaning
The system provides a description of spare parts for each separate container type, the selling price to
clients, time required to change the part and the labor cost. The system also provides information
about the different kinds of the containers’ cleaning kinds and the cost of each, either for 20″ or 40″
Based on the agreed contract with clients and containers’ inspection, they will be sent directly to the
repair and maintenance workshop, or sending a financial offer to the client before starting the
repairing process. If the client agrees to the financial offer, a work order will be issued to start
working on the repair and maintenance process. When fixed, it will be sent back to the yard. The fees
will be transferred to the client’s account.
• Billing & Invoicing
Based on the agreed contract with each client individually, the daily storage value for each container
and according to the kind and size; an invoice will be sent every specific period of time, includes a
total of all the containers that has been sent out, how long was it stored, and the storage value of it
in this specific period of time.
Also the services costs and the loading cost could be added if requested by client. An invoice of all
the Maintaining, Repairing and cleaning of containers will be sent to each client individually as well.
And in case of using the IST ERP system or any other financial system the user can transfer these
invoices automatically to the financial system.
for more information about the product click here to download product’s technical details.